Monday, July 16, 2012

Upon hearing that I had returned, the Scotlandville "Eagles" cheer squad
assumed this attitude -something, which I later learned,
they had never even practiced before!
Back In Scotlandville
I am back in Scotlandville, after having salvaged a little bit of money by busking on Saturday night.
Sherman started to give me a ride back here last night. 
It started to rain cats and dogs as we pulled off of Spanish Trail Road and onto Scenic Highway; at least I think it was Scenic Highway; the wipers couldn't really keep up with the torrential downpour and we may have been driving across peoples front lawns; I had my seatbelt on.
We wound up going back to his place, even though he cautioned me that I was going to lose my creativity and no longer be a homeless guy braving the elements and writing music about it...
I am using a ridiculously slow connection here by the boarded up building.
I woke up this morning this afternoon; it was about 2 p.m.
Sherman was snoring away. I went into the kitchen to work on some computer programming.
Highlighting And Clicking
I am trying to write a program that I can feed my blog posts into and it will change the font and size of the first three words of every paragraph and then change the color (at random) of every paragraph, (avoiding choosing the same color as the previous one at random, though.
Now, I do it manually with a whole lot of highlighting and clicking...
I think the program can be written with a few lines of Perl or Python code, but I am using the UNIX BASH shell, and am learning a lot about how NOT to write that particular program.
"Would You Like Some Eggs?"
"Sure, Man!"
Then, Sherman was up and mentioned that he had acquired eggs during the jaunt to Wal-Mart that he had taken at 3 in the morning because he was bored.
I wasn't getting any music done at his place, and that is the ultimate measuring stick of weather or not I should crash at a guys pad who invites me to do so.
Now, I want to record something; anything; tonight.
Drum Stolen
 "Give Daniel His Drum Back!!"
The 5 gallon bucket has disappeared, along with the chair and a few other things that we had in our little homeless camp here. We have been invaded by not one, but now two random black guys.
I feel that it was wise to have disappeared for a few days, as one of them kept showing up and hanging out and seemed to be staring wistfully at my laptop. He is the type that goes out and "hustles up some money" every day and it doesn't take a great leap in reasoning to figure out that he was probably scheming to have some friend from some other part of town whom I have never seen before (the friend, not the part of town) become the agent (i.e. the guy who beats me with a baseball bat and takes my computer and my guitar and my backpack) of my demise.
Then the guy (who stole our chair and my drum) would come around and tell me how bad he feels and how evil the world is and how he is going to ask around and try to find out who robbed me and is going to get my stuff back for me, free of charge; but can he have a cigarette in the meantime...
Daniel was so exagerating when he said he was the only white guy in Scotlandville; because; what about Howard??
Waiting Upon ID
I am ostensibly waiting here in Baton Rouge until I get my ID and possibly until I have given Jarvis a guitar lesson or two for money to make ends meet.
I now prepare to walk to the Dollar General and get a bunch of cheap food like pounds of pasta and rice that I can cook on the fire and maintain my weight of 141 pounds.
He *Does* tend to exagerate things out of proportion...
I notice a big difference when I use tap water to cook or to even just drink. I am starting to think that I might have an intolerance to fluoride or chlorine or whatever they put in the city water; and having drank it for most of my life may just account for the fact that I am a homeless drifting musician instead of the CEO of Dollar General, for instance....


  1. "random black guys" that would be a good name for a band.

    Meanwhile, there's an invasion of guys here too, the new guys are one Hispanic and one white, and I thought I'd get some help with the chores here but they're busy getting settled in. It's kind of annoying because every hour on the hour or so, I get questioned about this or that, or one of 'em needs a tool or something. It's not horrible suffering or anything, it's just that I'm kind of a babysitter here while the owner's gone which has been most of the time, and so I've been making plans to leave. I've got a place lined up in San Jose, I'll be living in a commercial building. I'm close to all kinds of public transit so I won't need a car if I don't want one. I'll be able to go around to all the farmer's markets and busy post office and all the other zillion busking locations up around there, and since I'm selling off all I can, I actually think I'll have enough money that I can really goof off and have fun and learn, and not have to get fairly serious until Spring. It'll be great!

  2. Oh, I forgot to mention, about the water. The put a ton of crap in the water in Newport Beach. I noticed, when rinsing out a wine glass, that said crap in the water would react with the wine and make it turn BLUE. I called this the "blue test". I notice the same test here, on well water, no blue. You have to use red wine for this test, naturally. I dunno how it is over in that part of the country but you can get wine out here for $2 or $3 a bottle that's really pretty good.


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